2 minute read

After my previous blog posts about DVIA v2 Anti-Debug and Frida with Swift some guys asked me about the URL Runtime Manipulation challenge in DVIA v2. I will not show my solution for “Login Method 1”, “Login Method 2” and “Validate Code” challenges because they were already described by Phil in his blog, I will focus only on the “Read Tutorial” challenge.

URL Runtime Manipulation Challenge

The image below shows the “Runtime Manipulation” section in DVIA v2.



When pressing the “Read tutorial” button, the url “http://highaltitudehacks.com/2013/11/08/ios-application-security-part-21-arm-and-gdb-basics” is opened in Safari as showed in the image below.



First of all, let’s find this URL in the application binary, for this purpose I used the Ghidra function “Search for Strings”.


By clicking on the string, we can find it at address 0x1003476e0.


By looking at the memory map, we can see that our string is in the __cstring section, this section is part of the __TEXT segment, it’s a read-only area containing the “Literal string constants (quoted strings in source code)” as reported in the Apple documentation.


There are three references to our string.


After a bit of debugging using LLDB, we can see that when pressing the “START CHALLENGE” button the third reference is reached (I didn’t find any way to reach the other two references).


By disassembling the address 0x10019d980 we can find our string address and its length.


Frida Script

Let’s create a simple Frida script in order to read the registers x0 and x9 containing respectively the string length and the string address.

var addr = ptr(0x19d988) 
var t_module = 'DVIA-v2';
var nw = Module.getBaseAddress(t_module);
var toAtt = nw.add(addr);

Interceptor.attach(toAtt, {
    onEnter: function(args) {
    var stringAddress = this.context.x0
    var stringLength = this.context.x9
    console.log("[!] String: " + stringAddress.readUtf8String() + "at address " + stringAddress)
    console.log("[!] Length: " + stringLength)


As we expected, we can dump our url and its length. I want to overwrite the url “http://highaltitudehacks.com/2013/11/08/ios-application-security-part-21-arm-and-gdb-basics” with “https://syrion.me”, we have to change the x9 register value with my url length 0x11 and overwrite the URL with the new one, to do this we can use the Frida Memory.protect function in order to make the first 17 bytes of the string at address contained in the x0 register readable and writable (ASLR) and then, use the the Memory.copy to copy “https://syrion.me” into the address contained in the x0 register.

var addr = ptr(0x19d990) 
var t_module = 'DVIA-v2';
var nw = Module.getBaseAddress(t_module);
var toAtt = nw.add(addr);

Interceptor.attach(toAtt, {
    onEnter: function(args) {
        var stringAddress = this.context.x0
        var stringLength = this.context.x1
        console.log("[!] String: " + stringAddress.readUtf8String() + "at address " + stringAddress)
        console.log("[!] Length: " + stringLength)
        var myString = Memory.allocUtf8String("https://syrion.me")
        Memory.copy(this.context.x0, myString, 17)

By running it, we successfully change the opened URL.


